THEME: Building the Future of Professional Nurses in West Java for facing global challenges


Global nursing shortages considered as a major issue occurred particularly in high income countries, which stimulates the government to offer opportunities from foreign nurses to migrate to their countries. In contrary, large supply of nurses owned by several countries such as India, Philippines and Indonesia. Unfortunately, large nurses’ production is not always related to the high availability of job opportunities within countries. There are also wide gaps in terms of professional competencies among nurses whereas those with high skills concentrated in the urban healthcare settings. Such situation creates a supply-demand paradox that should be paid attention by government and professional nursing organizations. Enhancing nurses’ professional capacity is, therefore, an urgent agenda that should be prioritised in all countries worldwide. However, differences and disparities between nurses and other health professionals still exist today, which inhibits the utilisation of the scope of professional nursing practice in many areas. Low perspectives about nurses in modern societies can become a major threat to making nursing a family-friendly profession. Raising public awareness of professional nursing identity is therefore necessary. Increasing the awareness of the public and professionals towards the importance of nurses in providing high-quality care must be facilitated. In this case, the government and related stakeholders such as professional nursing organizations need to facilitate either the personal or professional development of nurses. In responding to such a situation, the Indonesia National Nurses Association (INNA) of West Java Province plans to conduct a national symposium in conjunction with the celebration of the International Nurses Day 2023. This event is a part of our commitment to support the recognition of nurses’ voices to contribute to global healthcare during the new adaption era.


ACTIVITY: Hybrid plenary and concurrent Session

TIME: Saturday, 22 July 2023 from 08.00 AM to 15.30 PM (Jakarta Time)

VENUE: Zoom Meeting (Online) and Poltekes Bandung Kampus D Bogor (Offline)


Abstract Submission Until 14 july 2023

  • Original studies
  • Review Studies
  • Case report

E-Certificate : 2 SKP DPP PPNI


Online Seminar: FREE (no certificate)

E- certificate : IDR 50.000

Seminar & presentation (Online) – IDR 150.000

Seminar & presentation (Offline) – IDR 250.000

(max. 100 seats)


Payment : Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) 7118114110 a.n Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia 


Keynote Speech

Global Nursing Workforce: Policy, Action Plan and Strategies (WHO Representative for Indonesia) (in confirmation)


Plenary Session

a.       International nurse migrations: Best practice from Qatar (Zaenal Mutaqin, S.Kep., Ners, Head of INNA Qatar)

b.      Enountering Global Nursing Shortages: Indonesian nurses’ perspectives (Prof. Henny S. Mediani)


c.       Prevention of professional burnout among health practitioners (Dr. Atik Hodikoh, S.Kp, M.Kep., Sp.Mat – DPD PPNI Kota Bogor/Poltekes Kemenkes Bandung Kampus Bogor) 

come and joint us : 

THEME: Building the Future of Professional Nurses in West Java for facing global challenges


Global nursing shortages considered as a major issue occurred particularly in high income countries, which stimulates the government to offer opportunities from foreign nurses to migrate to their countries. In contrary, large supply of nurses owned by several countries such as India, Philippines and Indonesia. Unfortunately, large nurses’ production is not always related to the high availability of job opportunities within countries. There are also wide gaps in terms of professional competencies among nurses whereas those with high skills concentrated in the urban healthcare settings. Such situation creates a supply-demand paradox that should be paid attention by government and professional nursing organizations. Enhancing nurses’ professional capacity is, therefore, an urgent agenda that should be prioritised in all countries worldwide. However, differences and disparities between nurses and other health professionals still exist today, which inhibits the utilisation of the scope of professional nursing practice in many areas. Low perspectives about nurses in modern societies can become a major threat to making nursing a family-friendly profession. Raising public awareness of professional nursing identity is therefore necessary. Increasing the awareness of the public and professionals towards the importance of nurses in providing high-quality care must be facilitated. In this case, the government and related stakeholders such as professional nursing organizations need to facilitate either the personal or professional development of nurses. In responding to such a situation, the Indonesia National Nurses Association (INNA) of West Java Province plans to conduct a national symposium in conjunction with the celebration of the International Nurses Day 2023. This event is a part of our commitment to support the recognition of nurses’ voices to contribute to global healthcare during the new adaption era.


ACTIVITY: Hybrid plenary and concurrent Session

TIME: Saturday, 22 July 2023 from 08.00 AM to 15.30 PM (Jakarta Time)

VENUE: Zoom Meeting (Online) and Poltekes Bandung Kampus D Bogor (Offline)


Abstract Submission Until 14 july 2023

  • Original studies
  • Review Studies
  • Case report

E-Certificate : 2 SKP DPP PPNI


Online Seminar: FREE (no certificate)

E- certificate : IDR 50.000

Seminar & presentation (Online) – IDR 150.000

Seminar & presentation (Offline) – IDR 250.000

(max. 100 seats)


Payment : Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) 7118114110 a.n Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia 


Keynote Speech

Global Nursing Workforce: Policy, Action Plan and Strategies (WHO Representative for Indonesia) (in confirmation)


Plenary Session

a.       International nurse migrations: Best practice from Qatar (Zaenal Mutaqin, S.Kep., Ners, Head of INNA Qatar)

b.      Enountering Global Nursing Shortages: Indonesian nurses’ perspectives (Prof. Henny S. Mediani)


c.       Prevention of professional burnout among health practitioners (Dr. Atik Hodikoh, S.Kp, M.Kep., Sp.Mat – DPD PPNI Kota Bogor/Poltekes Kemenkes Bandung Kampus Bogor) 

come and joint us :